
False analogy

Tim Mannello, is his letter entitled “It’s man, man”, used the analogy of a murder case to tell us how wrong we are in our skepticism of man being the cause of global warming. He told us that we are like the defense attorney who is telling the jury that his defendant is not guilty of murder because people have died naturally since the beginning of man even though his fingerprints and DNA are all over the murder weapon and crime scene.

The problem with his analogy is that the science of climate change is based solely on circumstantial evidence.

There is no smoking gun and no bullet would. There is no bloody knife and no knife wound. Science is looking at rising temperatures and rising Co2 levels and making the assumption that the rising Co2 is the cause of the rising temperatures. They are also assuming, because no empirical evidence supports it, that global temperatures are rising faster than ever before.

They point to melting glaciers and tell us that they are the result of man-made global warming. This may come as a surprise to Tim and his ilk, but the glaciers have been melting since the end of the last ice age.

Before declaring someone was murdered you have to first rule out death from natural causes. Scientific study is supposed to be done in the same manner.

But in this case, science has locked onto a theory and is looking only for evidence to support that theory.

Tim, as the prosecutor, has lost his case because he was so focused on his theory that he overlooked the evidence, or lack thereof.

Mike Kerstetter


Submitted by Virtual Newsroom


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