3 projects recommended for county block grant funding
Lairdsville lateral installation, generator acquisition and Elmira Street building renovations are the three projects SEDA-Council of Governments recommended the Lycoming County commissioners approve for Community Development Block Grant funding, said Kristin McLaughlin, senior program analyst for the council.
McLaughlin proposed the following allocations Tuesday, out of the expected $275,579 county allotment:
• $101,179 to American Rescue Workers Inc. for continued renovations to its Elmira Street building, which houses a homeless shelter, job training program and other services. The nonprofit initially requested $154,640.
• $100,000 to Franklin Township for the Lairdsville sanitary sewer project, specifically for lateral installation. The township initially requested $105,600.
• $30,000 to the Ralston Area Joint Authority to acquire and install a back-up generator system, which is expected to cost $27,000. The authority initially requested $23,000.
Jersey Shore, Montoursville and South Williamsport also are expecting block grant funding in the amounts of $91,949, $94,393 and $111,361 respectively, McLaughlin said at a previous meeting.
Those municipalities are proposing the following allocations from their shares:
• $76,659 for Meadow Alley reconstruction in Jersey Shore
• $58,733 for phase three of curb cutting and $20,000 toward installing an adult wheelchair accessible swing in Montoursville
• $93,560 toward Seventh Avenue reconstruction in South Williamsport
The commissioners will take action on the council’s recommendations Thursday.
In another matter, the commissioners agreed to sign a letter to the national Department of Agriculture, Natural Resource Conservation Service for the Emergency Watershed Protection program, declaring the county as a “local sponsor” and administrator for assistance in revitalizing and stabilizing stream banks on eligible properties.
“Recent high-water events are impacting a lot of locations,” said Mark Davidson, county conservation district manager. “This request is the first step in the procedure … to be able to get out, assess and design projects on the properties.”
Funding is about 75 percent federal with state monies often making up the local share of 25 percent.
Projects likely wouldn’t begin until next year, he added
Other items to be considered include a grant application for the recycling center, a $51,770 purchase for the landfill, tax collection agreements with three area school districts, personnel actions and more.
Commissioners Jack McKernan and Rick Mirabito were present. Commissioner Tony Mussare was absent. The next meeting will be held at 10 a.m. Thursday in Executive Plaza.