Marijuana listening tour moves along

MARK NANCE/Sun-Gazette Pennsylvania Lieutenant Governor John Fetterman, listens as Union County residents voice their oppinion on the issue of legalizing recreational marijuana during Fetterman's listening tour at Lewisburg's River Stage Community Theater Saturday. Over 80 attendended voicing for, against, or undecided on the issue.
Lt. Governor John Fetterman has visited 46 counties around the state to hear people’s viewpoints on legalizing marijuana for recreational use.
Fetterman will be in Lycoming County at 6 p.m. Wednesday at the Klump Academic Center, 1034 W. Third St.
The debate, so far, has been healthy and civilized, he said at his stop in Mansfield Tuesday, and there are more stops scheduled.
Here are some other nearby stops:
11 a.m. May 4
Towanda Area Jr/Sr High School
1 High School Drive, Towanda
5 p.m. May 5
Sullivan County High School
749 South Street, Laporte
6 p.m. May 7
Montour Preserve Environmental Education Center
374 Preserve Road, Danville