
Senator to keynote at Lycoming County Democratic Committee spring banquet

State Sen. Sharif Street, D-Philadelphia, and vice chair of the Pennsylvania Democratic Party will give the keynote address at the annual Lycoming County Democratic Committee spring banquet at 6 p.m., April 27, at the Holiday Inn, Williamsport.

Marc Friedenberg, democratic candidate for what was the seat of U.S. Rep. Tom Marino, R-Cogan Station, will give an update on his campaign for the May 21 Special Election. According to a news release, Friedenberg is a consumer protection and health care advocacy attorney, who has pursued legal cases against the Wall Street banks that caused the 2008 recession. As an adjunct professor at Penn State University, Friedenberg specializes in teaching cyber law and global economy courses.

The banquet will also showcase Lycoming Democratic candidates for the May 21 Municipal Primary, including Rick Mirabito and Elliott Weiss for county commissioner and Derek Slaughter for Williamsport mayor, the news release said. Also speaking will be David Banks, Tiasha Machuga and Jon Mackey for Williamsport’s city council seats, Milissa Augustine for Williamsport city controller, Jeni Nash Harvey for county prothonotary, and candidates for borough, township and school board positions.

In addition the Democratic Women’s Club will present their annual Kay Ertel Scholarship to an outstanding female public high school senior interested in public service and pursuing a liberal arts education. Details are available online at www.LycoDemocrats.org.

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