
Tree-planting grant closer to submission

City Council’s finance committee gave a positive recommendation for the city administration to submit a grant for $9,548 to buy 80 trees.

The TreeVitalize grant with the state Department of Conservation and Natural Resources may result in the trees being planted in the fall and spring, said Adam Winder, general manager of the city streets and parks department.

The plantings could occur along Campbell Street to High Street and Memorial Avenue, Brandon Park, Little League Boulevard and Baldwin Street to Huffman Avenue to Eldred Street, he said.

If the grant is approved, the city intends to plant 48 of the 80 trees in the fall.

Councilwoman Liz Miele asked Winder if UPMC Susquehanna might be negotiated with to purchase trees for that part of the city.

She noted how it would be nice to work closely with Chad Eckert, city arborist, on a review of the trees throughout the city.

The committee also recommended approval of a $1.2 million grant from the state Department of Transportation for streetscape and reconstruction work in the East Third Street/Old City Gateway.

The money will be used toward making Basin Street two-way between East Fourth and East Third as well as for trees, curbs and period lighting, the committee said.

The grant was awarded in May.

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