County planning commission discusses COVID-19 funding
The Lycoming County Planning Commission will be part of the decision process for distribution of $10.2 million in federal COVID-19 funding this year.
That represents the county’s share of money to go toward municipalities, organizations and businesses, Planning Commission Executive Director Shannon Rossman announced at Thursday’s meeting.
Part of those dollars will be used for small business grants, she said.
The Williamsport/Lycoming Chamber of Commerce will serve as main outreach for that aspect of the funding with SEDA-Council of Governments helping with administration of funds.
Rossman said the funds must be committed by Nov. 1 and spent by the end of the year. Applications are due in mid-September.
In other matters, Rossman noted that a county zoning officer is set to be hired soon to bring the planning department to its full complement of employees.
Alyssa Henry, hazard reduction planner, said the county hazard mitigation draft plan must be submitted to the Federal Emergency Management Agency by January.
It was noted that work should begin in 2021 on four or five bridges that are part of the county’s bridge bundling plan.
Bassett Engineering, Montoursville is doing design work for the project which includes a total of 17 bridges overall.
The project allows municipalities to incur drastically reduced costs for the bridge repair work.
The county is borrowing $7 million in bonds to fund the program along with a $5 surcharge paid by motorists on vehicle registrations.