School board approves plan for outdoor events
The Loyalsock Township School Board unanimously approved a plan to allow 250 persons at outdoor events such as football games. This action was based on current guidance set by the Wolf administration.
The vote came after over an hour of discussion with the board and members of the athletic department at a special meeting held virtually Wednesday.
In anticipation of the passage of a bill in the state legislature that would put the decision for capacity limits in the hands of local school boards, the board also approved by 8-1, a second plan that would be put in place if the bill becomes final. At the time of the meeting, the bill had passed, but it was reported that the governor was vowing to veto it.
Voting for the second plan were: Charles Edmonds, Christine Kiessling, Valerie Komarnicki, Robert Leidhecker, John Raymond, Carolyn Strickland, Paul Young II and Michael Zicolello. Voting no was Melvin Wentzel.
Under that plan, the district established a 30 percent capacity for outdoor events for spectators, which would bring the number to 750 people in the stadium for football season. It was noted that this would not include the football players, band members, cheerleaders and ancillary staff, which in the case of the football would equal another 183 people, according to Ron Insinger, athletic director at the district.
For indoor events, such volleyball, the capacity would be 15 percent. Off campus events would require no tickets and there would be no concessions.
“We have a lot of participants. We have a lot of members on the band and a large football team,” Insinger said. “The downside of that is that is fewer people into the stadium.”
Part of the discussion during the meeting centered on who and how many spectators would be admitted to the stadium and how that as well as how mitigation efforts such as social distancing would be enforced.
Focusing on parents of the students participating in the event, it was mentioned that it was unlikely that family members would do anything to risk being asked to leave if they did not comply.
Board member John Raymond countered that by asking, “Are we only allowing parents in?”
“No, we’re allowing 750 people in. The point about parents behaving because they want to watch their children to play is unarguable. I’m not speaking just about parents. I’m speaking about the general public. Well before the pandemic we’ve had serious problems with fans at football games and basketball games,” he continued.
“I don’t even mind the proposal if I could just be assured we know how to enforce it. Something’s going to go wrong and we need to know how to enforce it,” he added.
The board also discussed having tickets for each sports participant to give to family or friends. There would be a specific number of tickets left after that which could be divided between the opposing team spectators and district students. No one would be allowed in the stadium without a ticket. All tickets would be dispersed ahead of time and none would be sold at the gate.
Board members stressed that they felt students should have the priority when it comes to dispersing tickets.
“Prioritizing our current student body to get those extra tickets is a really important consideration,” said Edmonds, specifically referring to the tickets available for football games.
“Not even parents, but community members have a lifetime to attend football games, and kids in high school only have so many years to do that,” he added.
It was also noted that if the district would have to go to full remote due to a change in the infection rate from the coronavirus, all sporting events would be canceled. The district yesterday reported its first probable case of COVID-19 based on symptoms.
At the end of the discussion it was decided to vote on both measures, adding that if the bill is enacted, changes can be made.