
As simple as that

The commentary of Nov. 15 in the editorial section of the Sun-Gazette titled “What Can Communities Do About Housing” penned by The Tribune Chronicle of Warren

Ohio is misleading by its title and erroneous in its conclusion. The question presented by the title was never answered. The body of the article only statistically showed a condition but with no answer.

I can admit that housing cost are high, too high as are most other cost. But to speculate that direct government intervention for individuals to help pay the cost or even that an individual is helpless to achieve their own sustenance is completely misguided. The answer is not a direct government handout to individuals or families but to develop more means of employment and production which give opportunities for individuals to contribute their abilities at livable wages.

You know the old story: don’t hand a person a fish, teach them to fish; so that they can go on providing for themselves without the handout. And, when finding employment at a livable wage is not immediately possible, then the fall back is a Second Job.

A second job is not a sign of diminished social position or class. It is a sign of a determined person to use his time and abilities to the utmost. Most successful people have held second jobs at some time in their lives. It many times provided a stepping stone to more financial independence. My father did it, his father did it and I did it. I am proud that I followed in my father’s footsteps and thankful to my father and grandfather for giving me a good example instead of waiting for a handout.

So to answer the Tribune Chronicle’s question, “what can communities do about housing?” They can provide industry and jobs. It’s as simple as that.


Cogan Station

Submitted by Virtual Newsroom

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