It won’t work this time
The wait is over, the election is finished and Democrats feel as if they have experienced their worst nightmare. Candidate Trump ran rampant through the majority of states, some in deep Democrat country, taking with him many of the down ballot Republicans also. Red Wave, anyone? It seems then, there were some of Democratic persuasion using common sense; casting their vote in opposition to the Democratic candidate who never received one single primary vote. The coronation of this pseudo royal was proven to be unacceptable to those with common sense.
But now that this election has been finalized, they need to stop and look at what may face them in the not-too-distant future. Trump has been unfairly treated by the members of this political party from the top to the bottom ever since announcing his intent to run for President. He has been egregiously accused of being a Russian spy, had multiple legal actions against him attempting to drive him into bankruptcy, 34 bogus legal charges claiming criminal actions in his financial accounting; actions that are commonly used daily in the business world without any indication of impropriety, there were no victims harmed nor any financial losses, unsuccessful assassination attempts to put him out of the picture. God spared his life for a reason, and now we all know that reason. None of these tactics were successful and the results speak for themselves. The people have spoken; “enough of this liberal nonsense, let’s get back to what this country was intended to be.” If I were one of those who were involved in these shenanigans, I would certainly be worried about the repercussions that may be forthcoming. The old saying “what goes around, comes around” would certainly hold true. In other words, “actions have consequences.”
This political campaign brought out the worst of the worst. His supporters were labeled as deplorables, fascists, terrorists, and even as garbage. Trump was labeled as much worse, and had been accused of being unhinged and mentally unfit. Of course, this label was never applied to the current holder of the office, even though definite signs of cognitive decline were obvious. Not once did any of them say otherwise, always indicating that their man was “on top of his game” ~ Nancy Pelosi. Hog rot!
Now we shall see how these so-called ladies and gentlemen of the Democratic Party will interact with this newly re-elected President. I doubt seriously they will be, in any way, cooperative in governing this country that would benefit all, not just members of their party. The shenanigans of these Neer-do-wells will probably not decline, but intensify in their attempt to cripple any sensible action needed to make this country safe and prosperous, lest President Trump would get the credit. But, it won’t work this time, as this President has the support of the people and they see through the veil of falsehood this party represents.
Submitted by Virtual Newsroom