
Jersey Shore woman charged with public drunkenness

After a domestic dispute at her residence, Nicole Lynn Stover, 36, of 203 Wilson St., Apt. A, Jersey Shore, was charged with disorderly conduct after she arrived at the borough’s Lycoming Regional office just before 11:30 p.m. Nov. 2.

Appearing intoxicated and confused, she questioned the whereabouts of her boyfriend and was advised that he was at the hospital being treated for injuries sustained during the recent domestic dispute, an affidavit said.

Concerned for her safety, police refused to let Stover walk back to her apartment, giving her a portable charger to charge her cell phone battery, which was dead at the time. She was told to contact someone to give her a ride home, however over the course of two hours, she failed to even attempt finding a ride, instead calling her boyfriend, who was still at the hospital, authorities allege.

Police eventually made contact with Stover’s sister, who agreed to pick her up and take her to her own residence, however, Stover was combative and initially refused to leave with her sister, according to court documents.

Though the police were able to get Stover into her sister’s vehicle, she was observed getting out as the car was stopped at Pennsylvania Avenue and Allegheny Street, where she began arguing with her sister before getting back into the vehicle, court filings said.

Stover was arraigned on an additional charge of public drunkenness by District Judge Denise Dieter.

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