
Lawmakers inspire some optimism for future

January may well be an appropriate time for optimism.

We see several reasons for optimism in the delegation representing our state and region in Washington, D.C. The news, reported in last Friday’s edition of the Sun-Gazette, of our two senators’ committee assignments is one such reason.

As a business executive, veteran and former under secretary of Treasury for international affairs, Sen. Dave McCormick, R-Pittsburgh, brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to his committees — most notably, the committee on banking, housing and urban affairs and the committee on foreign relations.

As a region that has much potential for the development of domestic energy — and for the jobs and industry that sector can create — his selection for the committee on energy and natural resources also is a source of optimism.

The selection of Sen. John Fetterman, D-Braddock, to serve on the committee on agriculture, nutrition and forestry and on the committee on commerce, science and transportation affords Pennsylvanians input on the work of lawmakers on industries crucial to our state’s economy, such as agriculture and forestry, and on issues critical to the success or failure of our region and state, such as transportation.

Moreover, the personal experiences of Fetterman and his family in navigating the challenges of mental health afflictions are well-documented. His membership in the Senate’s Mental Health Caucus will share with other lawmakers a first-hand perspective on the trials and turmoil that befall many families throughout our region, state and nation. We hope he is successful in steering the efforts of that caucus in the direction in which it can be the most help.

We are optimistic about the balance in perspectives and ideologies our delegation to both the Senate and the House brings, and that it ensures all voters’ voices can be heard.

And while we are realistic enough to recognize that our legislatures will almost certainly provide days of frustration and intend to continue to call attention to the shortcomings found throughout our governments — as is our responsibility — we still are optimistic about the agendas the new majorities in the House and Senate offer on many important issues — issues that could shift our nation’s direction on economic prosperity and fiscal sustainability.

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