
Footsteps to Follow: Oh come all you ‘unfaithful’

Perfect harmony. Perfect friendship; the Father, Son, and the Spirit. Uncreated, eternal, joyfully content in each other; the three separate, yet the same. Together they spoke the world into existence, filling it with intricate waterways, wooded pathways, and plummeting waterfalls. Their creativity and majestic power called into existence flora, fauna, and countless species of animal life. Humans were the ultimate creation.

Father, Son, and Spirit knew from the beginning that humans would utterly ruin creation and their own God-given lives. So the timeless One made a decision: the Son would leave the light, glory, and majesty of heaven and enter time. The Son would enter the world’s darkness, not as the King He is, but as a mere baby. The Spirit put on flesh; the Creator consented to birth through His creation, Mary. The high and holy became humble, limited by time and space. The King was born into a poor family. Served in heaven, He would now serve on earth.

The Creator, Sustainer, and Friend became the Redeemer because “God is love” (1 John 4:8 NKJV). He desires each of us to join Him forever in eternal life. The only bridge to Him is through the Cross. The patriarchs and the prophets foretold this: repeatedly, relentlessly, and regularly. The many sacrifices pointed to Jesus, “the once and for all sacrifice.” He “who knew no sin” became “sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him” (2 Corinthians 5:21).

Meditate on “Oh Come, All You Unfaithful” sung by Sovereign Grace and written by Bob Kauflin and Lisa Clow.

“O come, all you unfaithful…Come, know you are not alone…Weary of praying, come. See what your God has done. O come, bitter and broken; Come with fears unspoken; Come, taste of His perfect love. O come, guilty and hiding ones; there is no need to run. See what your God has done. He’s the Lamb who was given; slain for our pardon. His promise is peace for those who believe…So come, though you have nothing; Come, He is the offering. Come, see what your God has done…Christ is born for you!”

This Christmas, join me in worshiping this majestic, mighty, and powerful Saviour. Let us surrender to our Redeemer in worship and praise for His selfless Incarnation for our ultimate salvation!

Rebecca Logan is a retired UPMC Chaplain and member of Lycoming Valley Baptist Church

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