Lycoming County eliminating seven drop-off sites for recycling

Lycoming County Resource Management Services will discontinue the following recycling sites: Franklin Township, Montgomery Borough, Nippenose Township, Pine Township and Plunketts Creek Township, a news release from Lycoming County said Wednesday. Two additional sites already set to close in 2020 include Lewis Township and Porter Township.
“The difficult decision to close sites was determined by many contributing factors,” the news release said — mostly due to the cost of transportation to remote areas to collect low volumes of materials.
Some sites, the news release noted, are located within 15 miles of another site. Other factors include the decrease in available state grants and low market value of materials, both used to help offset the cost for the recycling service.
Lycoming County Resource Management Services’ goal is to have a sustainable recycling program by reducing drop-off sites and combining collection of recyclables at the sites.
“Please read the posted signs and do not leave unwanted materials at the sites,” the news release said. “If you are unsure of an item either throw it away or call our recycling hotline at 800-736-7559. … Please know that you may recycle at any of the open Lycoming County recycling drop off sites regardless of your municipality. For example, if you are traveling into town for groceries/services/work, you could bring your recycling with you.”
For an updated list of open drop off sites, readers can consult the website Sites still slated to reopen include Hepburn Township, Cogan House Township, Watson Township, Limestone Township and Brady Township.