
Commissioners act on grant application, other business

Lycoming County commissioners approved a grant application with the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime & Delinquency for the Intermediate Punishment Treatment Program.

If approved, the funding amount of $380,000 would be used by Lycoming County Probation for treatment and programs targeting DUI and drug offenders.

It was noted that the funding amount, which is the maximum allowed, is established on a yearly basis by the commission.

Jennifer McConnell, director of court services, noted that the program has helped many people get off drugs and alcohol.

“We have a very low recidivism rate with these programs,”she said.

In other matters, commissioners approved a $28,875 agreement with Larson Design Group for engineering work at the Timber Run Industrial Park.

Timber Run, located across the county landfill on Route 15, is to be the site for Digger Specialties Inc. an Indiana-based company expected to open a manufacturing facility within the next year.

The money for the work will come out of Act 13 funds.

Commissioners approved repair work agreements for two landfill vehicles amounting to $59,260 and $17,668.

They also approved a request from Resource Management Services to purchase a vehicle equipped with a utility box system from Clinton Township Volunteer Fire Co. for $15,000.

Commissioners approved a resolution to adopt an update of the hazard mitigation plan.

By adopting the plan, the county can become eligible for federal funding for emergencies and natural disasters.

In other action, commissioners:

• Approved a $40,000 agreement with Trisha Hoover for conflict attorney services.

• Voted to designate Jenny Picciano to act as technical coordinator for the Sylvan Dell Project.

• Presented a proclamation to the Loyalsock Lancers Varsity Basketball team in recognition of its state championship season.

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