Old Lycoming Township receives loan for clean water infrastructure
Gov. Tom Wolf announced the investment of $117 million for 25 drinking water, wastewater and non-point source projects across 19 counties through the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority on Wednesday — including a $388,000 loan for Old Lycoming Township.
“This historic investment in Pennsylvania’s clean water and healthy communities serves as a fitting celebration of Earth Week, when our country celebrates advances in environmental protection and committed stewardship of our lands and waters,” said Wolf, according to a news release. “Not only do the awards made in our communities strengthen our clean water facilities, but they also address legacy contaminants like lead and PFAS, which should never endanger the welfare of our children and families.”
Old Lycoming Township received a $388,757 loan to acquire a new vacuum street sweeper, reducing sediment and debris runoff into nearby waterways, the news release said. The acquisition and use of new equipment is anticipated to reduce runoff by 10 percent, eliminating approximately 100,000 pounds of sediment within the first permit cycle. The removal of sediment will also reduce nitrogen and phosphorus runoff in waterways of multiple municipalities.
The funding for these projects originates from a combination of state funds approved by voters, Growing Greener, Marcellus Legacy funds, federal grants to PennVest from the Environmental Protection Agency, and recycled loan repayments from previous funding awards. Funds for these projects are disbursed after expenses for work are paid and receipts are submitted to PennVest for review.
Other funding includes $1,002,000 loan to Lewis Township in Northumberland County to establish public sewer service for homes in the area of Schell Road and Koch Road, including installation of 1,443 feet of gravity sewer main and 3,700 feet of high-density force mains. The project will eliminate malfunctioning onlot disposal systems and threats to public health resulting from those systems.