
Lycoming County Water and Sewer Authority: Lairdsville sewer project moving forward

The Lairdsville Sanitary Sewer System project is moving forward with bids for the work expected to be opened later this month.

Lycoming County Water and Sewer Authority Executive Director Christine Weigle told board members this week that the hope is for the project to be kept within budget.

Initial projections called for the $3.6 million plan to to be funded by PennVEST and other grant sources.

However, Weigle conceded that those costs could go up with increased prices for materials and labor occurring during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“There are not a lot of subsidies out there,” she said.

Projected costs for the approximately 50 customers in Franklin Township hooking up to public sewage are estimated at $105 to $110 per month.

“The cost of sewage treatment is very expensive,” she said.

Weigle said American Rescue Plan money could possibly help fund the project if needed.

Township supervisors are expected to meet Aug. 23 to open bids for the project.

In other matters, the board approved a time extension for work on the Church Alley sewer project in Montoursville.

Although repairs were done in July, additional work is needed to address the problem of water entering four sewer laterals, according to Weigle.

A lining contractor is to assess the situation. In the meantime, the Authority is monitoring water flows.

The Authority approved the acquisition of two wells used by the Twin Hills Mobile Home Park.

Twin Hills plans to connect to the LCWSA system and will no longer need the wells.

The wells are to be used by LCWSA as monitoring points for compliance testing and potential long-term use in the system.

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