
Lycoming County Veterans Park Memorial Day Service

RALPH WILSON/Sun-Gazette Correspondent MG. Mark J. Schindler, Adjunct General of Pennsylvania, addresses the crowd during the annual Memorial Day service at Lycoming County Veterans Park on Saturday, May 25, 2024.
RALPH WILSON/Sun-Gazette Correspondent Howard Wilt speaks on behalf of the Veterans Memorial Park Commission during the annual Memorial Day service at Lycoming County Veterans Park on Saturday, May 25, 2024. Presented by the Lycoming County Veterans Council, Inc., the event featured guest speaker, MG. Mark J. Schindler, Adjunct General of Pennsylvania.
RALPH WILSON/Sun-Gazette Correspondent MG. Mark J. Schindler, Adjunct General of Pennsylvania, addresses the crowd during the annual Memorial Day service at Lycoming County Veterans Park on Saturday, May 25, 2024.
RALPH WILSON/Sun-Gazette Correspondent Williamsport Mayor Derek Slaughter comments during the annual Memorial Day service at Lycoming County Veterans Park on Saturday, May 25, 2024. Presented by the Lycoming County Veterans Council, Inc., the event featured guest speaker, MG. Mark J. Schindler, Adjunct General of Pennsylvania.
RALPH WILSON/Sun-Gazette Correspondent The Korean War Veterans color guard stands ready during the annual Memorial Day service at Lycoming County Veterans Park on Saturday, May 25, 2024. Presented by the Lycoming County Veterans Council, Inc., the event featured guest speaker, MG. Mark J. Schindler, Adjunct General of Pennsylvania.
RALPH WILSON/Sun-Gazette Correspondent The Korean War Veterans color guard presents the colors during the annual Memorial Day service at Lycoming County Veterans Park on Saturday, May 25, 2024. Presented by the Lycoming County Veterans Council, Inc., the event featured guest speaker, MG. Mark J. Schindler, Adjunct General of Pennsylvania.
RALPH WILSON/Sun-Gazette Correspondent Korean War Veterans chaplain, Frank Hartzel offers the invocation during the annual Memorial Day service at Lycoming County Veterans Park on Saturday, May 25, 2024. Presented by the Lycoming County Veterans Council, Inc., the event featured guest speaker, MG. Mark J. Schindler, Adjunct General of Pennsylvania.
RALPH WILSON/Sun-Gazette Correspondent Gabe Sinicropi steps in as master of ceremonies during the annual Memorial Day service at Lycoming County Veterans Park on Saturday, May 25, 2024. Presented by the Lycoming County Veterans Council, Inc., the event featured guest speaker, MG. Mark J. Schindler, Adjunct General of Pennsylvania.
RALPH WILSON/Sun-Gazette Correspondent Howard Wilt speaks on behalf of the Veterans Memorial Park Commission during the annual Memorial Day service at Lycoming County Veterans Park on Saturday, May 25, 2024. Presented by the Lycoming County Veterans Council, Inc., the event featured guest speaker, MG. Mark J. Schindler, Adjunct General of Pennsylvania.
RALPH WILSON/Sun-Gazette Correspondent Veterans organizations place wreaths at each of the monuments during the annual Memorial Day service at Lycoming County Veterans Park on Saturday, May 25, 2024. Presented by the Lycoming County Veterans Council, Inc., the event featured guest speaker, MG. Mark J. Schindler, Adjunct General of Pennsylvania.
RALPH WILSON/Sun-Gazette Correspondent Veterans organizations place wreaths at each of the monuments during the annual Memorial Day service at Lycoming County Veterans Park on Saturday, May 25, 2024. Presented by the Lycoming County Veterans Council, Inc., the event featured guest speaker, MG. Mark J. Schindler, Adjunct General of Pennsylvania.
RALPH WILSON/Sun-Gazette Correspondent Gary Reaser of Williamsport, a former Civil War re-enactor, pauses at the World War II memorial during the annual Memorial Day service at Lycoming County Veterans Park on Saturday, May 25, 2024. Presented by the Lycoming County Veterans Council, Inc., the event featured guest speaker, MG. Mark J. Schindler, Adjunct General of Pennsylvania.


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