Williamsport levee cross pipe repairs to begin this month
A bid of almost $1.6 million was approved by the Lycoming County commissioners for long-awaited work on the Williamsport Levee cross pipes, Phase 1.
The bid was made by Coppola Services Inc. in the amount of $1,589,000.
Although multiple companies attended the pre-bid meeting, only Coppola actually submitted a bid, which Shannon Rossman, executive director of the Planning and Community Development department called competitive.
“We did have multiple companies attend the pre-bid meeting…our previous project was too big and cost too much with this type of rehabilitation method. But this project was much smaller, so some companies didn’t feel it was cost effective to bid on it because they would have to become certified to do the installation and they would also have to have special equipment,” Rossman said.
Rossman told the commissioners that construction will start by Dec. 26. The work will consist of underground pipe rehabilitation.
“They’ll be out there on site doing all their inspection work,” Rossman said.
The sections involved a near the Hepburn Street pump station, one near Memorial Avenue and one near the Maynard Street River Walk and the fourth where Route 220 crosses Lycoming Creek.
“In those places you’re going to see trucks and equipment out there mobilizing, but you won’t see any backhoes,” she added.
In other actions, the commissioners approved the following items: the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) for fiscal year 2021 subrecipient agreement with Albright LIFE in the amount of $50,653 to repair the exterior wall of the building; a CDBG subrecipient agreement for fiscal year 2023 to Albright for the same project in the amount of $17,285; an agreement with L&L Boiler Maintenance Inc. for professional services at Resource Management Services (RMS); an amendment to an agreement with Highway Equipment and Supply Company to service equipment at RMS; a contract with USP Lewisburg; an agreement with Cyber Genetics for expert consultation in the District Attorney’s office as needed, not to exceed $100,000; an amendment with Brandon Lusk extending the date of the agreement for GED testing at the Pre-Release Center; a subrecipient agreement for pass-through funds with Lycoming County Children and Youth Services; and the designation of agent appointing Mya Toon as County Agent to apply for FEMA public assistance reimbursement associated with the county response to and recovery from Tropical Storm Debbie.
Three grant awards of liquid fuels monies were approved for the following projects: the Clinton Township Pinchtown Road project in the amount of $75,000; the Muncy Borough Carpenter Street bridge repair project in the amount of $52,200; the Picture Rocks Main Street bridge project in the amount of $31,000 and the county bridge 114, the New Tribes Bridge, in the amount of $60,000.
Four other agenda items okayed by the commissioners were: the renewal of the Clear Pro-Gov Law Enforcement Investigator Plus agreement with Thomson Reuters, a three-year contract at $2,472 per year with a 5 percent increase every year; an agreement with O’Neill Software in the amount of $4,590 for records retention; the Data Center Infrastructure lease payment to Dell Financial Services in the amount of $293,605 for servers and network equipment; and contracted mail ballot services with NPC in the amount of $13,949 to send the mail ballots out.
Under personnel, the board approved the following replacement positions: Allison Allen, clerk III at domestic relations, $15.45 per hour; Crystal Stiver, licensed practical nurse at the prison, $30 per hour; Chris Marshal, recycling laborer at RMS, $14.50 per hour; Justin Poust, equipment operator at RMS, $20.34 per hour; and Benjamin Peterson, erosion and sediment control technician at Soil Conservation at $47,153 per year.
The next commissioners’ meeting is at 10 a.m., Dec. 12 in the commissioners’ board room, third floor, Third Street Plaza, 33 W. Third St.