
Schools a logical ally in fight against tick-borne diseases

While we often are skeptical of the state adding more mandates to our school district, we must admit a recent bill passed by the state Senate is a sensible and reasonable measure.

The legislation, which passed 49-1, requires school districts to notify parents if faculty or staff discover and remove ticks from students, to provide information to families in these circumstances with information about prevalent tick-borne diseases and to preserve the tick so the family can opt to have it tested for illnesses.

“Testing a tick found on a child can provide critical information to help medical professionals prevent the child from long-term or chronic effects from the diseases ticks can carry,” state Sen. Michele Brooks, R-Jamestown said, according to a PennLive.com article in Monday’s edition of the Sun-Gazette.

Tick-borne illnesses such as Lyme disease have often debilitating symptoms with life-long consequences and since 2011, Pennsylvania has led the nation in cases of Lyme disease, according to Lancaster General Health’s website. It only makes sense for the state Legislature to enlist our schools in help to identify potential cases so that families can make informed decisions about seeking treatment.

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