
Keep fighting

Wonder of wonders – During the Summer of 2024, the Trumponian Party reached deep into a barrel of rotten apples and picked two of the most rotten apples they could find and nominated them to run for President and Vice President of the United States. The first, a lifetime criminal, racist and pathological liar! The second, an insulting, slobbering-mouth creature who said that women who don’t bear children are basically worthless, and lesser-than angry cat ladies.

What?! I ask you, “How many children have you brought into this world and raised??” Not surprisingly, with a small majority of electors who love those blustery creatures, they won!

Wow! I suspect many of the 49% who voted for them are still threatened by intelligent and strong women. As if women couldn’t do the job? I am here to inform you that I was privileged to be born from an extremely intelligent woman! Valedictorian of her High School class; her talents were many; seamstress, artist, naturalist, botanist, avid reader, etc. I was then surrounded by four smart and strong sisters- all attaining six years of education beyond High School. No!

They do not think they are ‘elite’; they all remember where they came from – a humble little house at the base of Bald Eagle Mountain. Then I was touched by another bright woman; my Wife and three brilliant daughters, and three granddaughters. All of them possess a woman-shared common thread: A high empathy for the human race!

Furthermore, I’ve had the good fortune to meet two young Black women in the past two years. One, just getting involved in politics, the other a newly elected Judge. Both do not seek revenge; rather they have a strong desire to forge a better life for all Americans! They remember where their ancestors came from; Captured, put in chains, herded into ships’ dark wet holds. Then, upon arriving on American soil, were sold like cattle to the highest bidder! Hmmm…..After reading that, does everyone still believe narcissists like the T-Man and Elon Musk, and other billionaires desire to make life better for the human race?

I am hearing a lot of nonsense, such as, God sent the T-Man to save the country! What? Jesus Christ would have had him thrown out of the temple for his blatant lies! The real truth – This country was saved long ago by those brave men that stormed ashore in North Africa, Italy, Omaha Beach, the deadly landings of the South Pacific!

Likewise, we were saved by the hard-working men and women in factories in the States making war materials! No one person can “save” this country! We all share that responsibility to work toward ‘reaching for excellence’.

I will keep fighting, because I believe, as a country, we will come back to the time when Character, Decency and Truth matter in an election!


South Williamsport

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