Riverkeeper seeks citizen scientists for stream assessments

SUNBURY — The Middle Susquehanna Riverkeeper program has partnered with the Izaak Walton League of America through its Save Our Streams (SOS) program to offer water quality monitoring training for citizen scientists at 9 a.m. Sept. 30 at the new headquarters for the riverkeeper, 112 Market St.
“This is a hands-on, feet-wet opportunity for residents to assist us by learning to collect and identify benthic macroinvertebrates in the classroom and in a field setting,” explains Middle Susquehanna Riverkeeper Carol Parenzan. “The presence — or absence — of specific ‘stream bugs’ can tell us about the health of a stream, especially over time.”
Volunteers who attend the training will become certified SOS monitors and will be asked to commit to working with this program in the fall and spring, the optimum time for this work.
There is no cost for the training, but registration is required. Training materials, water and lunch will be provided.
Young “scientists” under the age of 18 are encouraged to attend with a parent or guardian.
The Middle Susquehanna riverkeeper is the licensed voice of the Susquehanna River watershed defined by the drainage area for the North and West branches, an approximate 11,000-square mile area.
For more information, contact Parenzan at 570-768-6300 or midsusriver@gmail.com.