
Williamsport man charged for fighting with police

Upon being made aware that he was being transferred from UPMC Williamsport to another facility just after noon on Nov. 21, 20-year-old Nafis Amir Daniels lept from his wheelchair and fled the property, leading officers on a foot pursuit across several blocks, authorities allege in court documents.

Catching up to Daniels, police ordered him to the ground, a command he refused.

“He’s going for his gun,” a witness shouted as a physical struggle ensued with Daniels reaching around an officer’s back, an affidavit said.

Police managed to pin Daniels at which point, he spit on an officer before allowing himself to be taken into custody.

Arraigned on charges of assault of a law enforcement officer and resisting arrest by District Judge Kirsten Gardner, Daniels was released on $25,000 bail.

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