
Schools’ responsibility

I am writing in regard to the Sun Gazette’s October 17th editorial on the importance of area school districts to support the Lycoming Career and Technology Center. I totally agree – it is imperative that area school districts both financially support and encourage students to consider what the LCTC has to offer.

The Center provides our young students the chance to explore their interests in fields that are vital to ensuring we will have skilled young plumbers, electricians, health care workers, etc. to move into these fields as the current workforce ages and retires.

Not every student is suited to move on after high school to a four year college, often incurring large student loan debt for their attendance with no guarantee of a job in their chosen field. By attending classes at the LCTC they may have the opportunity to move on in an apprenticeship with area businesses that provide these services to our communities. The area’s Triangle Tech is closing it’s doors in the near future and this will be a huge loss for our area and for those who choose to pursue a trade in these fields that is so vitally needed. Vocational centers that focus solely on the particular trade itself are in short supply.

It is very discouraging to be in need of an electrician, HVAC technician, or plumber in either an emergency or planned project and there are few available due to a shortage in the workforce. The same can be said in the Healthcare fields, there always seems to be a shortage of CNAs, nurses and doctors.

Just as it is our K thru12 school district’s responsibility to provide an education in reading, writing, math, science and history, it is also their responsibility to provide them with options to help them gain self-supporting employment after they graduate and move onto adult life and responsibilities.


Fairfield Township

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