
Buildings and safety discussed at East Lycoming School District

The East Lycoming School Board was briefed this week on the cafeteria expansion, fine art classrooms and music education area renovations in the Hughesville Junior-Senior High School building.

Estimated construction costs of $3.6 to $3.9 million for the cafeteria expansion and performing arts rooms renovations, according to the architectural firm of Marotta/Main.

The cafeteria expansion will include a modern addition to the dock of 1,700 square feet. It will have windows to allow natural sunlight and a view of the Lycoming Career and Technology Center. Interior work will encompass 4,000 square feet.

The total work area involves 6,000 square feet of space.

Additionally, the cafeteria will be redesigned. There will be new furniture, tables and added seating that is spread out. There will be additions that will help with noise reduction and minor alterations to the kitchen.

The fine arts wing area will have new casework, flooring, cabinets to store various art materials and a smartboard for instruction.

The music room updates will be more efficient for the band and choral instruction. There will be new added storage for instruments and uniforms, a sound system, portable risers, carpeting and audio/visual system for instruction.

This project will go to bid on Dec. 3.

Bids will be reviewed by the Facility Committee on Jan. 21 and scheduled for board approval on Jan. 28. If approved, construction will begin in March on the exterior and interior, to be completed in the summer, according to Superintendent Dr. Mark Stamm.

Complete details on the projects will be posted on the district website, Stamm said.

The board was notified that a School Resource Officer (SRO) is scheduled to protect Renn and Ferrell elementary schools. Hughesville Borough Council anticipates that the new borough officer will begin by Jan. 1, if not sooner, Stamm reported.

Lycoming Career and Technology Center was awarded a $5 million matching state Redevelopment Capital Assistance Program grant with final actions by that board Wednesday.

This will allow the district on behalf of Lyco CTC to construct the Phase I Diesel/Welding Technology Lab. At a minimum, it could allow Phase II expansion of the culinary program, the relocation of Lyco Tykes and more.

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